Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Reminders and Web Site

Week 5! Already!

Place these dates in your diary and make sure you register on the IPL website!

9/9/2014 (Week 8)
Hike through History - half day event (8:30 - 1:00) watching History lessons K-6. 
10/9/2014 (Week 8)
Science and History Australian Curriculum Collective (SHACC)
4-5 pm
@ Greenmount Primary School
An action learning approach to implementing History in the classroom. A great place to share ideas.
15/9/2014 (Week 9)
Introduction to History (Centra) 3:30 - 5:00
An on-line workshop that can be completed in the comfort of your own home.

Web Site 
A web site has been created to celebrate the 100 years since the WA Diggers left Blackboy Hill in Greenmount to Fremantle. This is a great place to source information for your History lessons.
Western Australians in World War One

Launch of teaching and learning resources for primary and secondary teachers to commemorate:

  • the training camp at Blackboy Hill,
  • the first transport ships that sailed from Fremantle and the individuals aboard,
  • the 11th Battalion and the 8th Field Battery and their experience at Gallipoli.


  • 4th of September 2014


  • Perth Modern School


  • 4:00 pm Afternoon Tea
  • 4:30 - 5:00 pm Launch
  • 5:00 - 5:45 pm Workshops

Teaching and learning resources link to the Year 3,6 and 9 Australian Curriculum: History and can be adapted to all year groups.
Information on the commemoration events at Blackboy Hill Memorial site, re-enactment of the troops journey to Fremantle and events in Fremantle will be available.
RSVP for catering purposes by the 1st of September: 

That's all for now!
Mr Stephen Powell
TDS Coordinator

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

WW1 & Old Schoolhouse & Reporting!

Western Australians in World War One

Launch of teaching and learning resources for primary and secondary teachers to commemorate:

  • the training camp at Blackboy Hill,
  • the first transport ships that sailed from Fremantle and the individuals aboard,
  • the 11th Battalion and the 8th Field Battery and their experience at Gallipoli.
  • 4th of September 2014
  • Perth Modern School
  • 4:00 pm Afternoon Tea
  • 4:30 - 5:00 pm Launch
  • 5:00 - 5:45 pm Workshops
Teaching and learning resources link to the Year 3,6 and 9 Australian Curriculum: History and can be adapted to all year groups.
Information on the commemoration events at Blackboy Hill Memorial site, re-enactment of the troops journey to Fremantle and events in Fremantle will be available.
RSVP for catering purposes by the 1st of September: 

For a flyer, go to the Connect Community: Australian Curriculum Humanities and Social Sciences Primary (K-7) Network and go to the Library and search for Professional Learning and then HTAWA file.

Thank you to Mt Hawthorn for having one of their teachers attend the first Professional Learning to use the Old Schoolhouse. We look forward to that teacher bringing lots of student through in the near future. If you could not attend the first workshop, watch this space and Connect and Twitter and Facebook for the next PL date in Term 4. Come along and learn how to use the Old Schoolhouse for your next excursion! CONGRATULATIONS Kaye Ward for being the First Teacher to be allowed to bring their class through their Old Schoolhouse! We look forward to seeing you soon!

There has been a change in when schools are required to report in History. This change is due to not all of the Humanities and Social Science components have been develop as yet. Please go to  to read about the reporting requirements for HASS. Please read the information under the heading Reporting learning area achievement using the Australian Curriculum.

That's all for now!
Mr Stephen Powell
TDS Coordinator

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

SHACC Reminder!

Our first SHACC will be on Wednesday the 13th of August at Greenmount Primary School. The sessions run for 1 hour (4-5 pm) and we look at a specific skills and have opportunity to share what is happening in your classroom. Last time we talked about different ways to present information and we encourage people to go away and have a go and then bring back what they did or have tried. The first session will be talking about what has happened since the last session but if you didn't come along, that is great too! We will select a new skill to discuss. Please email me on if you would like to attend! 

That's all for now!
Mr Stephen Powell

TDS Coordinator

Monday, August 4, 2014

Old Schoolhouse Professional Learning ~ 11th of August 2014

It isn't too late to attend the professional learning next Monday night (11/8/2014) from 5-7 pm in the Old Schoolhouse. If you would like to bring your class to the old schoolhouse, it is imperative that you attend this workshop to find out all about what to do when you are here. Please email me directly: 
This workshop is open to public and independent/private schools. It is FREE!!!!!

Please come along and bring a friend!

That's all for now!
Mr Stephen Powell
TDS Coordinator