Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Time to Reflect!

It has come to the end of yet another very busy year at Sawyers Valley Primary and the TDS team here have worked hard to provide for the different needs of people/schools who access our support. We have started our Facebook Group as well as Tweeting whenever we can!
This year we have provided Hikes through History K-6 as planned events as well as on request. From this lessons plans were created so teachers can make a start in their classroom in history.

We started our collaboration with Greenmount TDS developing SHACC (Science and History Curriculum Collective) which was a great sharing opportunity for teachers to attend as well as being a lot of fun! We went out to schools and networks meeting some awesome teachers dedicated to making a difference in their schools. 
We also commenced our Victorian School Experience Workshops for teachers planning to bring their classes to the school for a day in the times of Victorian children. This will continue in 2015.

Thank you

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Tonya Wood, Carey Stewart, Rachael Gillett, Melissa Jones, Scott Beckett and Leanne Sheardown for their ongoing support this year. I would also like to thank Cynthia McGlew for her collaboration and offer of the use of the school. Without them, I couldn't do what I have to do!

Throughout the year we access feedback however it has come to the time of year when we need to plan what Sawyers Valley Sharning has to offer in 2015. So I am asking for you to take a moment to complete an on online survey to help decide what we will offer in 2015. There are 10 very easy questions which will take an instant to answer. Please click on the link below that will take you to the survey.


From all of us here at Sawyers Valley Primary School AKA Sawyers Valley Sharing, we wish you all a happy and restful holiday!

That's all for 2014!
Mr Stephen Powell

Teacher Development School Coordinator