Sunday, June 19, 2016

Children and Nature Conference- Nature Play WA

Nature Play WA’s inaugural Children and Nature Conference will be held in Fremantle on 28 August 2016.
The Children and Nature Conference is for educators, early years care providers, health professionals, parents, conservationists, land managers, state and local government employees and anyone with a keen interest in reconnecting children with nature. The full day program will comprise:
  •  talks from world pre-eminent speakers on the positive impact of nature on children’s health, wellbeing and education during this full day program;
  • world-leaders discussing the health impacts of nature including;
o   CEO of one of the world’s best environmental education institutions, who is one of America’s most effective campaigners for getting kids outdoors; and
o   former chief-scientist and Western Australian of The Year, Lyn Beazley.
  • insights into the connection between nature and positive childhood outcomes;
  • practical ways to engage the corporate and political sectors in the global movement to reconnect children to the natural world, and
  • opportunities for participants to network and engage with peers who are interested in connecting new generations to nature.
Venue: The Esplanade Hotel Fremantle
Date: Sunday 28 August
Registrations close: Friday 12 August
Cost: $240
Information regarding the day’s program, tickets, accommodation and the speakers’ profiles can be found on the website
For further information, please contact Katherine Healy on 9389 4050.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Term 2 Hills K-2 Educator Network

Hills K-2 Educator Network Meeting:
Wednesday 29th June 2016

You are invited to our Term 2 Network Meeting.

WHEN: 29th June 2016
WHERE: Sawyers Valley Primary School Early Learning Centre
TIME: 3:30 Cuppa and Registration
           3:45/4:00 Session begins.

TOPIC: Integrating WA Curriculum Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS) and Linking to EYLF

Sawyers Valley PS is a TDS for HASS and Early Years. This year educators are familiarising with Phase 2 of the HASS curriculum in preparation of full implementation, including reporting in 2017. We will be sharing some ideas of how HASS can be integrated in a way that is meaningful to children in K-2 settings, that deepening understandings and delivered in a way that supports the principles and outcomes of the EYLF.

 The link to register for this event is:

Thursday, June 9, 2016


The Kindy and Pre-Primary children at Sawyers Valley PS spent a morning in the Victorian Schoolhouse during WA Week. They got a taste of what life in the past was like in WA and compared this with life in the present. They experienced a Victorian classroom, washed clothes by hand, made lemonade, completed a piece of sewing and played Drop the Hanky and Quoits with horse shoes.

If you are interested in visiting our old schoolhouse with a group of students the link for more information is: