Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Let's Take a Peek!

I decided today that we need to have some photos of what the old schoolhouse looks like inside. So I went down with my trusty camera and took some photos for you to have a glimpse of the rooms inside.
Here is the Kitchen where student will make traditional lemonade and see the different equipment.

 Here is the dining room and the bedroom where the children will participate in quiet activities...

.... and this is the classroom and museum!

So make sure you book to attend the Professional Learning (11th August 2014 - 5-7 pm) so you too can bring your class here for a Victorian Classroom Experience. Check the IPL website for details.
I hope you enjoy these photos as much as I enjoyed taking them!
Go to: to find out more!

That's all for now!
Mr Stephen Powell
TDS Coordinator

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Welcome Back! Term 3 is HERE!

Welcome back everyone and if you are anything like me, did we have holidays??

Thank you, thank you, thank you, to the staff of South Ballajura Primary. Sawyers Valley Sharing had a wonderful morning exploring assessment in History! We had a lot to get through in a small amount of time, fantastic work by all! I a big "Aloha!" to our happy travellers!


Old School House

Thinking of bringing your class up to Sawyers Valley Primary School to experience the Old Victorian School for the day? Well, make sure you have registered to come along to a training session on Monday the 11th of August from 5-7 pm! Go to the IPL website to register. For non-government schools, please email me directly on The session will equip you information about what to do with your class when you get here and make the links to the curriculum. 

Hike through History (K-6) 

Time is running out if you haven't already registered for our next Hike through History (K-6). Please go to the IPL to register for the 5th of August. You will have the opportunity to watch teachers from K-6 teach a lesson in History. Registrations close next Tuesday!

Our first SHACC will be on Wednesday the 13th of August at Greenmount Primary School. The sessions run for 1 hour (4-5 pm) and we look at a specific skills and have opportunity to share what is happening in your classroom. Last time we talked about different ways to present information and we encourage people to go away and have a go and then bring back what they did or have tried. The first session will be talking about what has happened since the last session but if you didn't come along, that is great too! We will select a new skill to discuss. Please go to the IPL website to register!

Our next online learning session is on Monday the 18th of August. Please register on the IPL website to take part.
Speaking of online, don't forget to be part of our Facebook group or follow us on Twitter

That's all for now!
Mr Stephen Powell
TDS Coordinator

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

New Lesson Plans!

New Lesson Plans!
You can now download and use lessons from Kindy, Pre-Primary, Year 1, Year 2/3, Year 4/5 and Year 5/6 from our Hikes Through History Plans Page. Click on the links and you can download a PDF version of our lessons from the last 3 History Hikes. Click on the image below to go to the lessons! There are 24 new documents to check them out!

NEW lessons are being developed for Semester 2 and the next History Hike will be on Tuesday the 5th of August (Week 3). Go to the IPL website via the portal to enrol!

New and Exciting Event!

The Victorian Schoolhouse Experience is ready for business and if you are interested in bring your class to the school you can go to the website to find out more. 
To make the most of your visit, we ask teachers to attend a 2 hour workshop to show you what you can do with this fantastic resource as well as make the History Curriculum. The workshop is free and will be on Monday the 11th of August from 5 pm to 7 pm. Go to the IPL website to find out more and register!

Thank you!

We come to the end of another semester and the TDS team at Sawyers Valley Primary School would like to thank the wonderful teachers who have come to the school or have asked us to come to them. I would also like to thank the wonderful TDS team at the school for their willingness to share. 
We are so excited that we have had over 10 000 hits on our blog! Don't forget to join our Facebook group or follow us on Twitter. Have a wonderful restful break and make sure you check in to see what we have to offer at Sawyers Valley.

That's all for now!
Mr Stephen Powell
TDS Coordinator