I have moved all the links that relate directly to History to its own page reducing the number of links on the front page. To check out each HASS page, click on the tabs at the top of the blog.http://sawyersvalleysharing.blogspot.com.au/
School Curriculum and Standards Authority ~ FAQs
Make sure you check out SCSA's FAQ page about the new Western Australian Curriculum. This might be a great place if you are unsure about what is expected of the new curriculum.
Go to http://k10outline.scsa.wa.edu.au/ then click on "resources" then "FAQs".
Geography in Action!
HASS Knowledge & Understandings
The representation of familiar places, such as schools, parks and lakes on a pictorial map
Year 1
The natural, managed and constructed features of places, their location on a pictorial map, how they may change over time(e.g. erosion, revegetated areas, planted crops, new buildings) and how they can be cared for
P/1 HASS Skills
Sort and record information and/or data into simple categories (e.g. use graphic organisers, drawings)
Year 1
Sort and record selected information and/or data (e.g. use graphic organisers, take keywords)
I have planned to have 2 more one hour Saba online sessions in term 4. They will soon be listed on the IPL website so keep a look out for:
TDS HASS - Integrating the HASS Curriculum (P-6)
With the release of the Western Australian Curriculum, teachers in all primary schools are looking at ways to cover all the curriculum in their year level. This session will provide teachers with a forum to discuss ways to integrate HASS into other areas of the curriculum. It will cover the planning, teaching and assessment cycle, which learning areas will work with HASS and the HASS skills. I will walk you through the ways in which Sawyers Valley are managing the curriculum at their Level 4 school.
The dates are:
- Thursday 19th of November 2015 (Week 6)
- Thursday 3rd of December 2015 (week 8)
I hope to see you online soon!
Planning an excursion?
Why not come up and visit the Victorian Schoolhouse at Sawyers Valley PS. We have created a hands on experience that immerses the children in the life and times of children 100 years ago. Some feedback from a recent visit:
"Fantastic experience. The students haven't stopped talking about their day. When doing our recounts today, the level of detail has been amazing! Well done to all involved, I will definitely be booking in again and telling other teachers about this experience."
Teacher: Year 4/5 Hollywood PS
“This gave the kids a great opportunity to see how people lived in the past, the changes we have made and things that have stayed the same. The children particularly enjoyed the interactive and hands on activities that were provided. The sewing and woodwork were very popular and the children enjoyed taking their work home with them.”
Teacher: Year 2/3 Gidgegannup PS
To make a booking click on the link below:
Our final SHACC session for 2015 will be held in week 3 Term 4 - Wednesday the 28th of October - 4-5 pm at Greenmount Primary School. Come along to finish the year and we will be looking at reporting in History and the implcations for HASS in 2016. Go to the IPL website to register.
That's all for now!
Mr Stephen Powell
TDS Coordinator
That's all for now!
Mr Stephen Powell
TDS Coordinator
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