Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Time to Reflect!

It has come to the end of yet another very busy year at Sawyers Valley Primary and the TDS team here have worked hard to provide for the different needs of people/schools who access our support. We have started our Facebook Group as well as Tweeting whenever we can!
This year we have provided Hikes through History K-6 as planned events as well as on request. From this lessons plans were created so teachers can make a start in their classroom in history.

We started our collaboration with Greenmount TDS developing SHACC (Science and History Curriculum Collective) which was a great sharing opportunity for teachers to attend as well as being a lot of fun! We went out to schools and networks meeting some awesome teachers dedicated to making a difference in their schools. 
We also commenced our Victorian School Experience Workshops for teachers planning to bring their classes to the school for a day in the times of Victorian children. This will continue in 2015.

Thank you

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Tonya Wood, Carey Stewart, Rachael Gillett, Melissa Jones, Scott Beckett and Leanne Sheardown for their ongoing support this year. I would also like to thank Cynthia McGlew for her collaboration and offer of the use of the school. Without them, I couldn't do what I have to do!

Throughout the year we access feedback however it has come to the time of year when we need to plan what Sawyers Valley Sharning has to offer in 2015. So I am asking for you to take a moment to complete an on online survey to help decide what we will offer in 2015. There are 10 very easy questions which will take an instant to answer. Please click on the link below that will take you to the survey.


From all of us here at Sawyers Valley Primary School AKA Sawyers Valley Sharing, we wish you all a happy and restful holiday!

That's all for 2014!
Mr Stephen Powell

Teacher Development School Coordinator

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Are We There Yet?

Hopefully you are managing to stay on top of everything this time of year and I hope that report writing has been easy and with few spelling/grammatical errors!

Saba Session - Historical Activities!

We have our final Saba session on Monday the 1st of December. Historical activities F-7 online sharing (Centra) (3). Please register via the IPL website and I hope to see and hear you online soon!

Planning for 2015?? SOME IDEAS BELOW

Teaching children Anzac history with craft activity

The THE-HE Vietnamese Language Centre in Victoria has initiated an Anzac Centenary project. `teaching children Anzac history with craft activity’.  Their initiative seeks to connect the symbol of Anzac, The Rising Sun, with an image that is very familiar in many Asian countries, namely the lantern.  For more information about the initiative see https://anzaclantern.wordpress.com/ 

Mr Van Tran, the Centre’s coordinator of the project invites all Western Australian teachers to consider conducting the craft activity at their school.  The Centre provide template cards for $1 each (including postage), allowing for each students to decorate and assemble their lantern.  If you wish to be involved contact Mr Tran at anzac.thehe@gmail.com. 

National History Challenge Years 1-12
The National History Challenge is a research-based competition for students.  It emphasizes and rewards quality research, the use of community resources and effective presentation.
http://historychallenge.org.au/  Entries close in Term 3 2015.

Subiaco Local History Awards Years 2-3
The biennial Local History Awards are a great opportunity to research, record and share the rich history of Subiaco. The Argonauts school category is designed for year two and three students, which reference the Australian Curriculum. 
Contact Subiaco Museum on 9237 9227 or email museum@subiaco.wa.gov.au
Entries open in April 2015

Geography - The Spatial Technology in Schools (STiS) Competition Years K-12
The STiS competition aims to introduce students to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in a fun and informative way. 
Projects due: Late October

Feedback for 2014

It is that time again and shortly I will be posting a survey for you to complete to help the TDS team at Sawyers provide an even greater service in 2015. If you wish to send me private feedback, please email at stephen.powell@education.wa.edu.au . Stay tuned, survey coming soon!

That's all for now!
Mr Stephen Powell
Teacher Development School Coordinator

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

SHACC reminder!

A quick post to remind everyone that we have our last SHACC today (Wednesday 12/11/14) at 4 pm at Greenmount Primary School. I would love to see as many people there so we can look at what we have done this year and plan some exciting things for 2015! I will be there, so I hope you will be there too!

That's all for now!
Mr Stephen Powell
Teacher Development School Coordinator

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Term 3 Reflection Time...

Well another term is nearly over and I hope that whatever you have been doing, it has worked for you and you are making gains however small or large in your classroom. Sawyers Valley Primary has been hurtling along with school production and sports carnival making this term one of the busiest. This term we have presented to schools, delivered History Hikes and made Centra/Saba available for remote teachers. We have continued with SHACC, with die hard History lovers coming along when they can and we thank you for your commitment. We also commenced our first professional learning for the Old Schoolhouse - Victorian classroom experience. I would like to thank the staff, volunteers and students of Sawyers Valley Primary for their support and commitment to the Teacher Development School Project this term and we look forward to providing even more support in term 4 and 2015!

The Old Schoolhouse

We are very excited that the Victorian Schoolhouse experience is now operational and encourage schools to attend our professional learning if you would like to bring your class/es to our little, beautiful, green and leafy school in the hills. Why attend the professional learning? It will help you to get the most out of the excursion and it will help keep the cost down! If you can't make the professional learning then teacher relief is required on top of the $5 student fee, so a teacher from Sawyers can run the day. So a pre-visit is worth a lot, I mean it will save you a lot!
The next professional learning is on Monday the 10th of November (5-7 pm), perfect if you want to start planning for 2015!
Please go to the IPL website to register or if you are from a non-government school, please email. If you type TDS History in the search box at the top you will find all the History events available to you. 

Taking a Break
There will not be any posts for a while. I will be taking long service leave starting this Friday (19th of September) and will be returning on Thursday (6th of November). Any support in History, please contact the wonderful support staff at Statewide Services. They will then be able to redirect you to someone who can help 9402 6315. 

That's all from me for a while! 
Mr Stephen Powell

Teacher Development School Coordinator

Monday, September 8, 2014

Commemorating the ANZAC Centenary

Western Australians in World War One Teaching resource.

The History Teachers' Association of Western Australia, with the support of the Western Australian Government as part of the commemoration of the ANZAC centenary, has produced a resource book for teachers covering:
• the training camp at Blackboy Hill,
• the first transport ships that sailed from Fremantle and the individuals aboard, and
• the 11th Battalion and the 8th Field Artillery Battery and their experiences at Gallipoli
Teaching and learning resources link to the Year 3, 6 and 9 Australian Curriculum: History and can be adapted to all year groups. 
Access the resource via the HTAWA website http://www.htawa.net.au/index.html
The HTAWA website is also hosting an archive of biographies of the West Australian Gallipoli Dead by Shannon Lovelady, coordinated and compiled for Post Newspapers. A great resource: http://www.htawa.net.au/gallipoli_dead.html
Other Resources of Interest
The Department of Premier and Cabinet has created the website: http://www.anzac.dpc.wa.gov.au/Pages/Default.aspx. The site covers planned events across Western Australia.
The City of Fremantle has put together a website: http://www.anzacfremantle.com.au/ to commemorate the City’s place in the ANZAC story. The website provides information on planned events but also includes a ‘stories’ tab which will interest teachers.
For those with an interest in the Albany story and planned events within that region, visit http://www.anzacalbany.com.au/anzac-albany-commemorative-events/
For informational at a Federal level, visit http://www.anzaccentenary.gov.au/index.htm
Student Competitions
The Simpson Prize is a national competition for Year 9 and 10 students. The competition encourages participants to focus on the significance of Anzac Day and to consider what Anzac Day means to them and to Australia. Two teachers will also be selected to accompany the students. Student entries and teacher applications are due by 17 October 2014. Visit http://www.simpsonprize.org/ for details.

That's all for now
Mr Stephen Powell
Teacher Development School Coordinator

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

History is Happening!

The term is flying up here at Sawyers Valley and I am sure it is incredibly busy at your place!

TDS History K-6: Victorian classroom experience - excursion workshop

Our next training workshop so that you can use the old schoolhouse with your class will be help at the old schoolhouse on Monday the 10th of November 2014 - 5-7 pm.

Teachers who attend this workshop will then be able to book the old school for future excursions. If you are an Education Department employee, please register via the IPL website. If you are from a non-government school, please email me directly stephen.powell@education.wa.edu.au  to reserve a place. 

Centra (Saba) Introduction to History.
Our next Centra(Saba) training is on the 15th of September 2014. Also register on the IPL website. 

Playing Around with the Past!
One of our lovely students in Kindy had such a great time looking at toys from the past we decided to share the gorgeous picture painted after the wonderful discussion. 
This is the kangaroo that was old and belonged to the Kindy Teacher Mrs Wood. 

This is the wonderful picture created. 
To find ouot more about this lesson, go to our Hike through History Plans Page and look for the lesson called 'Playing around with the Past", or click on the link below to download.

That's all for now!
Mr Stephen Powell
TDS Coordinator

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Reminders and Web Site

Week 5! Already!

Place these dates in your diary and make sure you register on the IPL website!

9/9/2014 (Week 8)
Hike through History - half day event (8:30 - 1:00) watching History lessons K-6. 
10/9/2014 (Week 8)
Science and History Australian Curriculum Collective (SHACC)
4-5 pm
@ Greenmount Primary School
An action learning approach to implementing History in the classroom. A great place to share ideas.
15/9/2014 (Week 9)
Introduction to History (Centra) 3:30 - 5:00
An on-line workshop that can be completed in the comfort of your own home.

Web Site 
A web site has been created to celebrate the 100 years since the WA Diggers left Blackboy Hill in Greenmount to Fremantle. This is a great place to source information for your History lessons.
Western Australians in World War One

Launch of teaching and learning resources for primary and secondary teachers to commemorate:

  • the training camp at Blackboy Hill,
  • the first transport ships that sailed from Fremantle and the individuals aboard,
  • the 11th Battalion and the 8th Field Battery and their experience at Gallipoli.


  • 4th of September 2014


  • Perth Modern School


  • 4:00 pm Afternoon Tea
  • 4:30 - 5:00 pm Launch
  • 5:00 - 5:45 pm Workshops

Teaching and learning resources link to the Year 3,6 and 9 Australian Curriculum: History and can be adapted to all year groups.
Information on the commemoration events at Blackboy Hill Memorial site, re-enactment of the troops journey to Fremantle and events in Fremantle will be available.
RSVP for catering purposes by the 1st of September: info@htawa.org.au 

That's all for now!
Mr Stephen Powell
TDS Coordinator

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

WW1 & Old Schoolhouse & Reporting!

Western Australians in World War One

Launch of teaching and learning resources for primary and secondary teachers to commemorate:

  • the training camp at Blackboy Hill,
  • the first transport ships that sailed from Fremantle and the individuals aboard,
  • the 11th Battalion and the 8th Field Battery and their experience at Gallipoli.
  • 4th of September 2014
  • Perth Modern School
  • 4:00 pm Afternoon Tea
  • 4:30 - 5:00 pm Launch
  • 5:00 - 5:45 pm Workshops
Teaching and learning resources link to the Year 3,6 and 9 Australian Curriculum: History and can be adapted to all year groups.
Information on the commemoration events at Blackboy Hill Memorial site, re-enactment of the troops journey to Fremantle and events in Fremantle will be available.
RSVP for catering purposes by the 1st of September: info@htawa.org.au 

For a flyer, go to the Connect Community: Australian Curriculum Humanities and Social Sciences Primary (K-7) Network and go to the Library and search for Professional Learning and then HTAWA file.

Thank you to Mt Hawthorn for having one of their teachers attend the first Professional Learning to use the Old Schoolhouse. We look forward to that teacher bringing lots of student through in the near future. If you could not attend the first workshop, watch this space and Connect and Twitter and Facebook for the next PL date in Term 4. Come along and learn how to use the Old Schoolhouse for your next excursion! CONGRATULATIONS Kaye Ward for being the First Teacher to be allowed to bring their class through their Old Schoolhouse! We look forward to seeing you soon!

There has been a change in when schools are required to report in History. This change is due to not all of the Humanities and Social Science components have been develop as yet. Please go to http://k10outline.scsa.wa.edu.au/Reporting_policy/Requirements  to read about the reporting requirements for HASS. Please read the information under the heading Reporting learning area achievement using the Australian Curriculum.

That's all for now!
Mr Stephen Powell
TDS Coordinator

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

SHACC Reminder!

Our first SHACC will be on Wednesday the 13th of August at Greenmount Primary School. The sessions run for 1 hour (4-5 pm) and we look at a specific skills and have opportunity to share what is happening in your classroom. Last time we talked about different ways to present information and we encourage people to go away and have a go and then bring back what they did or have tried. The first session will be talking about what has happened since the last session but if you didn't come along, that is great too! We will select a new skill to discuss. Please email me on stephen.powell@education.wa.edu.au if you would like to attend! 

That's all for now!
Mr Stephen Powell

TDS Coordinator

Monday, August 4, 2014

Old Schoolhouse Professional Learning ~ 11th of August 2014

It isn't too late to attend the professional learning next Monday night (11/8/2014) from 5-7 pm in the Old Schoolhouse. If you would like to bring your class to the old schoolhouse, it is imperative that you attend this workshop to find out all about what to do when you are here. Please email me directly: stephen.powell@education.wa.edu.au 
This workshop is open to public and independent/private schools. It is FREE!!!!!

Please come along and bring a friend!

That's all for now!
Mr Stephen Powell
TDS Coordinator

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Let's Take a Peek!

I decided today that we need to have some photos of what the old schoolhouse looks like inside. So I went down with my trusty camera and took some photos for you to have a glimpse of the rooms inside.
Here is the Kitchen where student will make traditional lemonade and see the different equipment.

 Here is the dining room and the bedroom where the children will participate in quiet activities...

.... and this is the classroom and museum!

So make sure you book to attend the Professional Learning (11th August 2014 - 5-7 pm) so you too can bring your class here for a Victorian Classroom Experience. Check the IPL website for details.
I hope you enjoy these photos as much as I enjoyed taking them!
Go to: http://www.sawyersvalleyps.wa.edu.au/schoolhouse/Old_Victorian_Schoolhouse/Welcome.html to find out more!

That's all for now!
Mr Stephen Powell
TDS Coordinator

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Welcome Back! Term 3 is HERE!

Welcome back everyone and if you are anything like me, did we have holidays??

Thank you, thank you, thank you, to the staff of South Ballajura Primary. Sawyers Valley Sharing had a wonderful morning exploring assessment in History! We had a lot to get through in a small amount of time, fantastic work by all! I a big "Aloha!" to our happy travellers!


Old School House

Thinking of bringing your class up to Sawyers Valley Primary School to experience the Old Victorian School for the day? Well, make sure you have registered to come along to a training session on Monday the 11th of August from 5-7 pm! Go to the IPL website to register. For non-government schools, please email me directly on stephen.powell@education.wa.edu.au. The session will equip you information about what to do with your class when you get here and make the links to the curriculum. 

Hike through History (K-6) 

Time is running out if you haven't already registered for our next Hike through History (K-6). Please go to the IPL to register for the 5th of August. You will have the opportunity to watch teachers from K-6 teach a lesson in History. Registrations close next Tuesday!

Our first SHACC will be on Wednesday the 13th of August at Greenmount Primary School. The sessions run for 1 hour (4-5 pm) and we look at a specific skills and have opportunity to share what is happening in your classroom. Last time we talked about different ways to present information and we encourage people to go away and have a go and then bring back what they did or have tried. The first session will be talking about what has happened since the last session but if you didn't come along, that is great too! We will select a new skill to discuss. Please go to the IPL website to register!

Our next online learning session is on Monday the 18th of August. Please register on the IPL website to take part.
Speaking of online, don't forget to be part of our Facebook group or follow us on Twitter

That's all for now!
Mr Stephen Powell
TDS Coordinator

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

New Lesson Plans!

New Lesson Plans!
You can now download and use lessons from Kindy, Pre-Primary, Year 1, Year 2/3, Year 4/5 and Year 5/6 from our Hikes Through History Plans Page. Click on the links and you can download a PDF version of our lessons from the last 3 History Hikes. Click on the image below to go to the lessons! There are 24 new documents to download....so check them out!

NEW lessons are being developed for Semester 2 and the next History Hike will be on Tuesday the 5th of August (Week 3). Go to the IPL website via the portal to enrol!

New and Exciting Event!

The Victorian Schoolhouse Experience is ready for business and if you are interested in bring your class to the school you can go to the website to find out more. 
To make the most of your visit, we ask teachers to attend a 2 hour workshop to show you what you can do with this fantastic resource as well as make the History Curriculum. The workshop is free and will be on Monday the 11th of August from 5 pm to 7 pm. Go to the IPL website to find out more and register!

Thank you!

We come to the end of another semester and the TDS team at Sawyers Valley Primary School would like to thank the wonderful teachers who have come to the school or have asked us to come to them. I would also like to thank the wonderful TDS team at the school for their willingness to share. 
We are so excited that we have had over 10 000 hits on our blog! Don't forget to join our Facebook group or follow us on Twitter. Have a wonderful restful break and make sure you check in to see what we have to offer at Sawyers Valley.

That's all for now!
Mr Stephen Powell
TDS Coordinator

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

So Busy....Reports done?

It is that time of the year where every school is SO busy and I hope you have managed to take some time to care for your health and try and enjoy some of the sunshine between the rain.

Hike through History
We have our next History Hike next Tuesday (24th of June 2014). If you would like to come along please email me, there is room! stephen.powell@education.wa.edu.au
It is a half day event (8:30 - 1:00) where you get to visit K-6 classrooms engaging in History lessons. 

We had our last SHACC session at Greenmount PS yesterday and we are keen to see more people come along next term. The dates for the next series are:

Term 3

  • 13th August 2014 (Week 4)
  • 10th September 2014 (Week 8)
Term 4
  • 12th November 2014 (Week 5)
Come along and have a great afternoon with wonderful teachers who share wonderful ideas and information about History in their classroom. Please register on the IPL website. 

Lesson Ideas and Plans
Watch this space for some wonderful lessons created by the TDS staff at Sawyers Valley. These lessons will be added to the 'Hike through History Plans' tab. They will be uploaded before the end of term.

If you know someone who is looking to participate in an introduction to History professional learning via Centra, please let them know that our next one is on Monday the 30th of June. Please direct them (or you) to the IPL website to register. I hope to virtually see some of you there!

Thank you!
A big thank you to the staff of Mundaring Primary school. we had a great afternoon exploring the History Curriculum with a lot of laughs and a lot of terrific insights! A big thank you also goes out to the staff of Greenmount Primary who explored the resources that are easily available via the portal to support them in their planning for History next semester! Happy 50th Birthday Greenmount PS!

That's all for now!
Mr Stephen Powell
TDS Coordinator
Level 3 Classroom Teacher

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Thank You Great Southern Network!

An early start to my day heading south to the Great Southern Network. Teachers from K-10 participated in a day of Humanities looking at the History Curriculum, Resources, Snapshots and Judging Standards in Katanning. They engaged in a variety of tasks one of them looking at multi-age groups and how to plan. They looked at one of the Historical Skills across the years and then selected a split grade to be a focus. The teachers worked together to select one Knowledge and Understanding from one of the year levels and brainstormed a range of tasks/activities they could do straight away. Brilliant!

A great experience and thank  you for inviting Sawyers Valley Sharing to the Great Southern to share what we do!
That's all for now!
Mr Stephen Powell
TDS Coordinator
Level 3 Classroom Teacher

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Week 5 Term 2....so how are YOU travelling?

SHACC Sharing!
Another wonderful session with the SHACC members but we have room for more! Our next SHACC is on Wednesday the 18th of June (Week 8) and we discussed our jigsaw activity, with people having great success! The use of the question matrix to help students pose questions really supported the inquiry process in History. We are focussing on Timelines for our next session so if you have a great timeline activity, please come along and share!

Hikes through History!
We had our first History Hike last week with 2 wonderful teachers visiting from Quairading and Gosnells! They saw a range of lessons from the teachers in the TDS team and went away full of ideas! we also welcomed the fabulous History Team of Bertrum PS. They enjoyed the brisk, clean, fresh air in the valley. Semester 1 lesson plans will be uploaded soon. 
Watch this space!

The next Hike is on Wednesday the 24th of July (Week 9). Register NOW!

Sawyers Hits the Road!
Sawyers Valley Sharing is excited to be travelling to the Great Southern Network next week! It is going to be awesome meeting teachers who are engaging in History in the classroom!
I will update the blog on return and share what we did!

That's all for now!
Mr Stephen Powell 
TDS Coordinator 
Year 1 Level 3 Classroom Teacher 

Monday, May 12, 2014

South of the River!

Sawyers Valley can be a long way to go for some, however Campbell Primary School might be just what you need. Please see this post published in Connect by the TDS team at Campbell Primary.
History Coffee Club @ Campbell PS
The Campbell Coffee Club is a great opportunity to network with teachers from other schools. These sessions provide an opportunity to examine the curriculum, share ideas and successful classroom practice, apply strategies in the classroom and reflect on these activities. Participants will explore the WA Curriculum History investigating ways to plan, teach and assess by sharing teaching and learning plans and samples of student work including assessment tasks.  
Date: 20 May 2014
Time: 3.30pm to 4.30pm
Where: Campbell Primary School, Staffroom
Register at the IPL

TeachMeetWA - Check out the YouTube History Presentation:

Hike through History (K-6) Tuesday, 20th May 2014, Week 4.

Registrations for our first History Hike close today. Go to the IPL website to register.  If you miss the enrollment please email stephen.powell@education.wa.edu.au to see if there is space available. 
The feedback from our Hikes have been brilliant. Here is a sample!
"Thank you for a great morning. I got lots of ideas that I can't wait to implement in my classroom."

"I learnt so much from this History Hike. It is by far the best and most effective form of PD that I've been exposed to for quite some time!"

"It was really great to see the process in action...Thanks for providing this great opportunity to see the lessons and for sharing your school, classrooms and students."

That's all for now!
Mr Stephen Powell 
TDS Coordinator 
Year 1 Level 3 Classroom Teacher 

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Welcome Back! How about a Hike????

Hike Through History K-6
A reminder that the Hike through History events by Sawyers Valley Sharing have returned bigger and better! Teachers will experience History lessons from Kindergarten to Year 5/6. Participants have the opportunity to watch teachers at Sawyers Valley Primary School teach six different lessons with a focus on the Historical Skill - Chronology, terms and concepts.
The first Hike is on Tuesday the 20th of May (Term 2) 2014 (8:30 - 1:00)
Spaces are limited however the events are repeated throughout the year. If you are unable to attend this session, others are available on 17 June, 5 August, 9 September and 18 November 2014.
Please go to the IPL website to register now!

Technology and the Australian Curriculum
Digital technologies play an important role in the teaching of History and provides the students with a variety of different ways to research and present information. To find out more about what ACARA is doing, there is a great little 5 minute and 39 second video on Youtube. Take a look! Click on the link below:

Digital Technologies: An Introduction

That's all for now!
Mr Stephen Powell
TDS Coordinator
Level 3 Classroom Teacher

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


Just a quick post to thank the brilliant teachers who attended our first of many SHACC events! In History we looked at posing questions through the years and how this historical skill needs to be taught and scaffolded in order to lead to purposeful inquiries.

We are so excited that we can't wait to get to the next SHACC on Wednesday the 28th of May at Greenmount PS (4-5 pm). It isn't too late to join. Register now on the IPL web site!

That's all for now!
Mr Stephen Powell
TDS Coordinator
Level 3 Classroom Teacher

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

National History Challenge for Australian Students

This came across my desk and thought it might be something that might inspire your young Historians.
The National History Challenge (NHC) is open to students from Primary (up to and including Year 6) to Year 12. It is free to enter. 
The 2014 theme is "Changing Perspectives" 
It encourages inquiry based learning and rewards students with cash prizes and travel opportunities.
To find out more, go to www.historychallenge.org.au and let us know how you go!
You can register for the NHC after the 31 January 2014. 
Entries close on Friday 29 August 2014.  Winners will be notified by October 2014.

That's all for now!
Mr Stephen Powell
TDS Coordinator

Level 3 Classroom Teacher